Selasa, 25 Desember 2012

Alat Kesehatan, Furniture Rumah Sakit :X-Ray Viewer LCD Double

Price per Unit (piece): Rp. 3.280.500.00

Product description:

The super-thin high frequency medical film observation lamp does not only have a decent appearance, but also adopts the latest LCD display backlight technology and outstanding light conduction design. Therefore, the lamp has superior advantages in luminescence mechanism, light source quality and service life compared with those of the traditional medical film observation lamp. And the entire screen of the observation lamp is more brighter, uniform and softer. It can not only fully demonstrate the information on the medical film, but also protect doctors’ eyes effectively. This lamp can also be used in ways other than observation medical lamp.


1. light adjustable

2. energy saving control

3. lower power consumption

4. elegant frame

5. self-induction medical film viewer

Untuk keterangan mengenai produk lainnya klik link ini : X-Ray Viewer LCD Double Be-Hospital

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