Senin, 15 Oktober 2012

Alat Kesehatan, Alat Cek Darah : BLOOD GLUCOSE METER ACCUTREND

Kami adalah Toko dan Distributor Alat Kesehatan Medis yang menjual dan menyediakan berbagai macam alat kesehatan, alat medis, alat terapi, alat kedokteran, alat cek darah, furniture rumah sakit, dll. Salah satu produk yang kami jual adalah alat cek darah merek AccuTrend yang mengecek penderita gula darah. Berikut adalah penjelasan detailnya :

Price per Unit (piece): Rp. 3.085.500.00 

he Accutrend GC meter is one of the few meters available on the market which can accurately check cholesterol levels. The meter can be used by both physicians or patients. With the Accutrend GC you can measure blood cholesterol levels by a simple prick of the finger which can be done at home or in surgery. Only a small amount of blood is needed as opposed to the traditional lab test where much more is required. The Accutrend GC meter is both fast and easy to use and is most suited for accurate screening, diagnosis and monitoring of both cholesterol and glucose levels. Two in one system - the meter can measure both cholesterol and glucose. Clear large digital display Measures in mg/dl Easy to use - measuring cholesterol is as easy as measuring glucose. No special training required. Quick results - cholesterol results within 3 minutes and glucose in 12 seconds. Portable unit - the meter is easy to carry around Storage of results - up to 15 cholesterol readings with date and time can be stored and up to 50 glucose readings. Small sample - no need for injections to remove blood from the arm, accurate readings can be obtained by a simple prick of the finger. Low cost - compared to carrying the test at a laboratory.

Untuk keterangan produk-produk lainnya, klik link ini :

Alat kesehatan, alat medis dan alat kedokteran bukan saja menjadi kebutuhan dari rumah sakit, Poskesdes, klinik dan Dokter. Kami menjual berbagai produk alat kesehatan seperti tensimeter, thermometer, alat cek darah, stethoscope,instrument operasi, masker, sarung tangan, nebulizer, spuit, timbangan, peralatan bidan, kursi roda, tongkat, kruk, alat terapi, doppler, body support dll. dengan harga yang kompetitif dengan merek yang bervariasi ( GEA, ONEMED, GENERAL CARE, OMRON, GLUCO DR , EASYTOUCH, NESCO, RENZ, TAJIMACO, SELLA, DHARMA, OPPO, REMEDI, HOMECARE, MAK, ROMED, TERUMO, LITTMAN, ABN, SPHYGMED, RYNE, MAGIC STAR, GLUCO DR, HI BEBE, RIESTER, CAMRY, CITIZEN, SMIC, BRAUN, 3M, SENSIGLOVES, SENSIMASK, HEINE, YORK, SHIMA, LOTUS, KANGZHU, YAMAKO, 3M, SAN UP, SPIRIT, HARMED, MITRACO, SAMMORA, YOVISTRA, ONE TOUCH, AND, ACCUCHECK, SOFTSOME, YOUNG YOUNG, MICKO, OPPO, JASPER, IBS, dll. ) Kami menawarkan service terbaik kepada seluruh pelanggan. Juga menerima pembelian grosir dengan harga khusus.

Syarat Pembelian Harga Grosir:
1. Adalah Reseller ( toko, retailer atau distributor )
2. Minimum Pembelian pertransaksi adalah Rp. 1.000.000,-
3. Ongkos Kirim ditanggung pembeli
4. Produk order bisa dicampur / mix

Untuk pembelian Harga Satuan,
1. Ongkos Kirim ditanggung pembeli
2. Minimum transaksi adalah per 1 x transaksi adalah Rp. 400.000,-
3. Produk order bisa dicampur / mix

Untuk keterangan produk-produk kami, hubungi Kami di :
Phone : 021- 622 012 84 / 021 688 454 06 (Flexi)
Fax : 021- 622 012 84
Pin BB : 214A0DA0
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0811 149 2029 / 0821 1313 1821 / 0811 856 226 ( Telkomsel )
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Email :
Kritik dan Saran : 0811 856 226

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